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Battle of the Books
Coached by: Alison Shirley and Bruni Garcia
Elementary Battle of the Books is a program that challenges students to read a selection of novels and compete as a team in answering various questions. The purpose of the Elementary Battle of the Books is to motivate students to read, monitor their own comprehension, and become active participants in book discussions. Battle of the Books encourages students to read quality literature on a variety of topics and themes. Cumberland County Schools participates in the state level competition through North Carolina Library Media Association. Through Elementary Battle of the Books, we strive to promote a love for literature and the important character education goals of teamwork, respect, and good sportsmanship. Students from grades four and five are invited to compete for the team.

Beta Club
Coached by: Casey Chandler and Doris Price
The National Junior Beta Club promotes achievement in academics, character, service and leadership. To qualify for Beta Club, students in fourth and fifth grades must possess outstanding academic achievement as well as impeccable character. The club helps to develop young leaders by completing service projects. The motto of the National Beta Club is: Let Us Lead by Serving Others.

Conducted by: John Skorich
Students in the 5th grade are offered the opportunity to choose between violin, viola, or cello to begin learning in orchestra class. This class meets two days a week during the school day. Students are responsible for providing (renting) their own instrument and bringing it to school the day the class meets. They are also responsible for any work that may be missed while they are out of the traditional classroom. This group performs at our Winter Program, with the NC Symphony for the Spring String Thing, and at the Spring Program.