Leadership for Principals

Principals are expected to be effective Instructional Leaders and effective Managerial Leaders. Leadership opportunities are provided in each area to allow for on-going growth and development of our school principals.
Monthly Leadership Meetings are organized to provide general information that principals need to know. This information is usually provided by a department leader and might require the principal to complete a task or just be aware of the information. Often times, the details are shared by department leaders with school staff who are directly responsible for the task but principals are informed for monitoring and awareness.
Job Alike meetings allow principals to network with principal colleagues who serve in a school with common grades; specifically, Elementary, Middle or High School. The information shared with principals during the Job Alike sessions is more specific to the grade levels, students, and staff who serve in the school. This setting allows principal colleagues to ask questions, provide input, and discuss the information being shared. Often times, principals facilitate the discussion as leaders among their colleagues.
Instructional Leadership professional development is provided to principals during the monthly meetings. Topics are determined by input provided by principals and Central Services leaders. Distributive Leadership professional development opportunities allow for the principal to bring teacher leaders to the meeting. The principal leads the school level team to develop a plan for delivering the professional development to the School staff. This leadership format develops leaders and shares the responsibility with the leadership team.
Vidyo Meetings are scheduled with principals by department leaders to share time-sensitive information, to gather input for decisions, or to provide instructional support for the principal by C&I leaders.
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910- 678-2495
Fax: 910- 678-2330
Dr. Jane Fields
Associate Superintendent